DIY Merry Christmas Bunting

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In my house on birthday celebrations we always hang colourful bunting somewhere and it always looks nice and adds a special touch, so this year I thought we should do the same but for Christmas. I decided it would be fun to make my own and choose the colours, fabric and length that I want. I’m really pleased with how it turned out and I think it makes a nice addition to our Christmas decorations 🙂

I chose 4 different patterned fabrics, 2 pieces of felt to make the letters and some ribbon.
I cut out 17 triangles so there was extra to have a blank triangle at the beginning, end and in between the two words. I also went around the edges of each in blanket stitch just to make it look a bit more finished.
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Cut out the letters.
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I made sure to lay out the letters and triangles before gluing them together to make sure I liked how it looked and that everything was in the right order.
I laid all my triangles out how I would want them to hang and then measured out the length of ribbon I would need. Tie a knot in both ends of the ribbon to stop it fraying and then attach the triangles. I sewed mine on rather than gluing as I thought this would last longer so I can use it year after year 🙂

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