Easter at Gaston Farm

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With Easter nearly here my friend (and fellow blogger Romi) and I decided to take a trip down to Gaston Farm in Slindon. This is a small local farm, which around spring time, open to the public for their open lambing season. There’s a large pen full of sheep who could give birth any time during your visit. Whilst we were there two new lamb were born… typically we missed both!  Continue reading

Easter Mini Egg Cake


I love baking at Easter time, with all the chocolate and cute decorations. This year I wasn’t sure what I wanted to bake, besides a chocolate cake, because who doesn’t want chocolate at Easter…. or any time for that matter! My idea for this years Easter cake came to me while I was watching The Great British Bake Off Continue reading

Chocolate Easter Cupcakes


With Easter nearly here I thought it was the perfect time to make some Easter cupcakes. This year I decided to give up chocolate for lent so Easter is also the perfect time for an extremely chocolaty recipe!! 😀  For this recipe I decided to decorate the cakes with melted chocolate as that is my favourite cake topping. To melt the chocolate I like to put a piece on top of the cake as soon as it comes out of the oven so the heat of the cake will melt the chocolate. I find this way is much easier than melting the chocolate in a microwave or bowl. IMG_4428 Continue reading